Vegan Chocolate Mousse
Portionen / Serves: 4 servings
Zutaten / Ingredients
  • 1 package of silken tofu (ca. 300g)
  • 1 package vanilla sugar
  • 75g agave syrup
  • 80g peanut butter
  • 200g almond milk
  • 200g high quality bittersweet chocolate
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Blend the peanut butter together with the almond milk until dissolved. There should be no clumps left.
  2. Add the agave syrup, vanilla sugar and silken tofu and blend it all together with an electric whisk.
  3. Melt the chocolate (I used 77% bitter sweet to have a chocolatey touch rather than an only sweet touch) in a water bath and stir it in the mixture.
  4. Put your chocolate mousse in the fridge for 1 - 2 hours.
  5. In case your mousse became too solid you can add some more almond milk to get it creamier again.
  6. Garnish with fruits / berries of choice and serve.
Recipe by Purple Avocado at