Sweet Sushi with rice pudding, apple and cinnamon
Portionen / Serves: ~ 3 rolls
Zutaten / Ingredients
for the Sushi Rice
  • 150 g pudding rice or any other short grain rice (try risotto rice for example)
  • 200 g coconut milk
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 tbsp agave syrup
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
for the filling
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • cinnamon to drizzle on the rolls
  • vanilla sauce for dipping
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Rinse the rice in clear water. Add it to a pot with coconut milk, water, agave syrup and cinnamon and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for 20- 30 minutes until the rice is done and soft.
  2. Cut the apple into slices. Heat coconut oil in a pan and fry the apple until it gets a little softer.
  3. Add honey and cinnamon and let if caramallize for some minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and let the apples cool down.
Now let's roll
  1. Rolling sushi without a nori sheet for stabilization is a little tricky.
  2. Your best chance is to cover a sushi mat in either cling foil or aluminium foil. Spread the rice evenly on the sheet and press it onto it firmly. Place the apples in the middle and roll it up.
  3. Don't forget to press it firmly into a round form and then remove the sushi mat
Now there's different options for the cutting
  1. You can remove the foil and cut the sushi into even slices. Note that your knife has to be extra sharp and that you shall not press it through the roll, otherwise it'll fall apart.
  2. You can leave the foil around your sushi roll (aluminium foil works quite good in that case) and cut your sushi through the foil. It gives your roll more stability and is easy to remove afterwards.
  3. You can leave the foil around the sushi roll and let it cool down in the fridge until it becomes firmer and continue once it's cold.
However you decide, it'll need a bit of practice. Have fun and enjoy!
Recipe by Purple Avocado at https://purpleavocado.de/en/sweet-sushi-rice-pudding-apple-cinnamon/