Vegan Berry Cake
Portionen / Serves: 1 casserole dish, 6-8 servings
Zutaten / Ingredients
  • 2 tbsp margarine
  • 75 ml plant milk (eg Rice oder Almond)
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1 tbsp baking soda / natron
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 160 g corn flour
  • 170 ml maple syrup
  • 200 g blackberries*
  • 200 g raspberries*
  • 200 g redcurrants*
  • some fresh mint leaves
  • *if you don't have any fresh produce you can definitely go for frozen berries
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Melt the margarine in a pot or the microwave. With the milk, vinegar, baking soda / natron and salt add it to a bowl and stir it together.
  2. Add the corn flour and 110ml of the maple syrup and knead it to a viscous dough.
  3. Rinse the berries under cold water (if you go for frozen berries take them out when you start with this recipe and let them thaw out). Take a casserole / baking dish and grease it properly. Spread the berries in the dish evenly. Pour the remaining maple syrup on top of the berries.
  4. With a tablespoon add the dough evenly on top of the berrys.
  5. Bake the berry cake in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 30 - 35 minutes. If necessary use a tooth pick to check if the cake is already done.
  6. Garnish the cake with fresh mint leaves and serve when still warm.
Recipe by Purple Avocado at