Sipping cheap and bright cocktails during my teenage years – oh dear, I can still see it before my inner eye. We headed for the cheapest cocktail bar in town (during happy hour of course) and ordered the sweetest, strongest Jumbo cocktail we could possibly find. Quantity always came before quality, after all we hit the next club afterwards and the drinks in there were expensive.
Today I’ve become quite a snobby person not only when it comes to food, but also to drinks. I say ‘No thanks’ to cheap booze, softdrinks and bright cocktail umbrellas and relinquish those drinks in favour of something of quality a couple of times a year.
I tried the Camerons Kick for the first time when I was dining out at the Hygge for my restaurant guide Hamburg and I had my good friend Fabi with me. I’ve never consciously had a good whisky cocktail and I fell in love with it immediately.
Just recently, not even a year ago I began my whisky journey and learned that there’s more than Jack Daniels and Johnnie Walker, and that this ‘more’ has definitely much more in store 😉 My boyfriend made me try some of his favourite Scotch whiskys, mostly from the Isle of Islay, which are characteristic for their peated taste.
I’m still learning and trying from time to time, but I’m already quite astonished at how they differ in so many nuances and that the taste highly differs depending on what food you’re having.
After a hearty meal I even like the most peated whiskys.
The Camerons Kick though is not only made for whisky lovers. The almond sirup and lemon make it very approachable even for whisky sceptics. The fruity marzipan aroma will satisfy them surely.
Yet, the whisky aroma clearly shines through and one might already be enough to get you all happy and sozzled. My recommendation for this cocktail would be a pungeant and smoky scotch. If you’re in for the peated adventure I’d be directing your towards Islay whiskys 😉 Irish Whiskys will do fine as well.
- 4cl (~1,5 oz) smokey Whisky (Scotch or Irish Whisky will do fine)
- 1cl (1/3 oz) almond syrup
- 2cl (2/3 oz) lemon syrup
- 3-4 ice cubes
- optional:
- 1cl (1/3 oz) sugar syrup
- Shake all ingredients with the ice cubes.
- Through a strainer pour it into a (chilled) glass.
- Garnish however you like, I added a single lemon zest.
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