No-bake peanut butter chocolate cake

Rezept für no-bake Schokoladenkuchen mit Erdnussbutter und Cashewnüssen. Rohvegan, ohne extra Zucker und Mehl. #rohvegan #vegan #vegetarisch #nobake #backen

Yeah, I did not bake again! This time I’m going all out with chocolate, cashews and peanut butter. Big in taste – and calories but still on the healthier dessert side – no added sugars and no flour are in this no-bake chocolate cake, Having said that I would still not recommend to eat this […]

Stuffed pumpkin with almond butter sauce

Gefüllter Kürbis mit Grünkohl, Pekannüssen, getrockneten Tomaten und einer Mandelmus Sauce. #vegan #rezept #weihnachten #feiertage #herbst #winter #grünkohl #foodstyling #food #photography

Well, sometimes your private life just kicks in at the busiest time of the year, and just doesn’t give a shit that you planned to publish your Christmas dinner in the beginning of December. Instead I now have a last minute Christmas quickie for you shortly before Christmas Eve. 

Curry Gnocchi Salad with nectarines

Schneller, satt machender Curry Gnocchi Salat mit Nektarinen, Feta, gerösteten Pekannüssen & Avocado. Der perfekte Sommersalat, fürs Picknick im Park oder für den Grillabend bei Freunden. Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz.

Let’s keep our salad game up for a while as it is strong this summer. Next project: Salad Deluxe. With carbs carbs carbs. It’s getting a little hot in the kitchen as we’re turning on our stove as well. But for this curry gnocchi salad with nectarines, feta cheese, roasted pecan nuts and creamy avocado, […]