17 traditional Iranian dishes you should try

It’s done! 1 week of hard work, visiting several restaurants, cafés and homes later I can finally show you what I and my Iranian friends have been working on so hard. I wanted to create a food photography series about Traditional Iranian food and I (we) couldn’t be happier with the results. All my adventures […]
Rainbow Sushi Sandwiches

Are you ready for an easy alternative to sushi and a boss ass lunch idea? In one brilliant recipe? I love sushi, but sometimes it’s just too filigree and time consuming. Instead I’m showing you how to fill and fold sushi sandwiches along with some amazing onigirazu filling ideas.
Yellow coconut curry with pineapple

After all that feasting in the last weeks – pb cups, chocolate cake, French toast – I felt like having some extra portion of vegetables for a change. This yellow coconut curry is stuffed with lots different and colourful veggies. Carrots, celery, leeks, peppers and broccoli. I’ve also added some juicy pineapple for that extra […]
Sunchoke & mushroom risotto

„Oh dear, we’ve spent our last vacation in topinambour. Beautiful, I can tell ya! The locals there are so rooted to the soil and absolutely grounded.“ This could have been one of the unknowing reactions from my fellow people, when I told them about the awesome risotto with topinambour I made. Well, I guess there […]
Spicy Tuna Sushi Sandwiches

Dear guys and gals, by now you must be very well aware of my sushi loving tendencies. But for all of you delicately challenged there’s an easy, equally delicious alternative. Onigirazu, Japanese rice sandwiches, are super quickly and easily prepared and a perfect snack for on the go. Well, and they are pretty. Japanese Food […]
Rainbow Sushi Rolls with Purple Rice

Since we’re at it already, how about making some sushi again this week? The salmon will stay, everything else will change and it’s going to get crispy and colourful. As you already know, I’m always on the lookout for some kickass inspiration for fancy sushi creations.
Cauliflower Sushi

There are only a few vegetables that I dislike as much as cauliflower. Cauliflower is the sorry excuse for a boring, tasteless version of brokkoli. Cauliflower is the trite side dish to potatoes and roast. No, cauliflower and I will never become best friends. But there is one thing cauliflower is pretty good at – […]
How to host a Sushi Party

Last weekend I hosted a sushi party at a friends place. We were a semi large group of 10 people – all severe sushi lovers and big eaters. Since the party was a big success I’d like to give you some advice on how to host a sushi party for many people without breaking into […]
Curry with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas

Ever been in the following situation? You visit a party with a slightly large number of people and while one goes to the washroom, another quickly goes to the coat check while another one meets an acquaintance or leaves for a smoke. And before you know it you spend the rest of the night trying […]
Black Sushi with Pumpkin

Hello and a warm welcome on Purple Avocado! For years I’ve been thinking about giving my passions for food and photography some more space in the form of a food blog. And what you can see here is my new darling. What is it about? Awesome photos, fancy, unusual foods and easy to cook recipes. […]