Warm aubergine and courgette salad

Warmer Antipasti Auberginensalat mit Zucchini, Kartoffeln und Feta.

Summertime is barbecue time – and barbecue time for Grimm and me always means aubergine time too. This vegetable is one of our favourites to barbecue and as soon as the sun comes out we’re stoking up our BBQ it will surely have its place of honour on the grill or in form of a […]

Wild Rice Patties

Super simple recipe for wild rice patties with parsley, thyme and red peppers from the Ethno Cookbook.

(Sponsored content for Das Ethno-Kochbuch* / EMF Verlag) The German Version of this article provides you with a detailed review of Karolina Przybylska’s cookbook ‘Das Ethno Kochbuch’.  Due to the fact that this book is only available in German (yet) I merely provide you with the recipe. In case this book will ever be translated into […]