Rainbow Sushi Sandwiches

Onigirazu Rezept mit Video-Anleitung und vielen Ideen für weitere Füllungen. #vegetarisch #vegan #pescetarisch #sushi #sandwiches #reis #onigiri

Are you ready for an easy alternative to sushi and a boss ass lunch idea? In one brilliant recipe? I love sushi, but sometimes it’s just too filigree and time consuming. Instead I’m showing you how to fill and fold sushi sandwiches along with some amazing onigirazu filling ideas.

Vegan Pesto with walnut and parsley

Veganes Walnuss Pesto Rezept plus schnelles, vegetarisches Sandwich mit Tomate, Zucchini und Cashewmus #brot #vegan

Okay guys. I’ve got something meatless for you once more, which will make you satisfied and happy without end. Today we’re talking pesto – vegan pesto with walnuts and parsley to be precise, surrounded by a crisp sandwich. This is the low budget version of the classic pesto with pine seeds and Parmesan. According to […]

Mediterranean penne salad with olives and arugula

Penne, Oliven, Kapern, getrocknete Tomaten, Walnüsse, frischer Rucola und ganz viel Knoblauch - dieses Pasta-Gericht setzt sich aus ganz einfachen Basics zusammen. Und während wir auf Basic Bitches nicht so abfahren, profitiert unser Rezept definitiv von seiner Schlichtheit. #rezept #nudeln #pasta #italienisch #mediterran #sommer #italien

Sometimes you make a recipe draft and fall in love with it right from the beginning. This just happened to me with this garlic fried penne pasta with olives, dried tomatoes, capers, walnuts and fresh rocket salad. My bf Grimm announced this dish as his new favourite food right away. And I have to admit […]