Easy microwave oatmeal with cashews and cinnamon

Rezept für ein ganz schnelles und veganes Porridge aus der Mikrowelle mit cremigem Cashewmus und Zimt. Comfort Food zum Frühstück vom Feinsten. #frühstücksrezepte #süßes #frühstück #brunch #breakfast #bowl

Today I have a quick and easy microwave oatmeal for you. Sweet and rich and creamy with cashew butter and a lot of cinnamon. The best thing about it? Within 5 minutes you have a steaming bowl in front of you, so this recipe is perfect for hectic and stressful mornings. Nothing is more annoying […]

Baked apple oatmeal with cinnamon

Rezept für wärmendes Bratapfel Porridge mit viel Zimt und Honig. Ein Winterfrühstück für die knackig kalten Tage. #rezept #winter #haferbrei #oatmeal #foodstyling #foodphotograhpy

This winter I developed my all time favourite breakfast of the year. Since November or so we’ve basically had nothing but this warming, cinnamon-y baked apple oatmeal. It’s not only incredibly comforting and delicous but it’ll also keep you full for hours and is done within 10 minutes. Basically the length of making coffee in […]

Banana Bread with Dates and Walnuts

Banana Bread with Dates and Walnuts. Nicely soft and juicy with only little / none added sugar. Vegan. Recipe on Purple Avocado

Happy New Year! Having wallowed in gluttony for the last months it’s probably time to consume salad and tea only for the upcoming weeks. It’s time to glower at the box with white flour and refined sugar and banish them to the back row in the cabinet. In short – we’re gonna detox all those […]