Yellow coconut curry with pineapple
After all that feasting in the last weeks – pb cups, chocolate cake, French toast – I felt like having some extra portion of vegetables for a change. This yellow coconut curry is stuffed with lots different and colourful veggies. Carrots, celery, leeks, peppers and broccoli. I’ve also added some juicy pineapple for that extra […]
Scrambled Tofu with Mushrooms
Hi my lovely people! Long time no read. I could say that I’m sorry and that my bad conscience is killing me for not posting for so long. But in fact this little time out was pretty much needed. I spent 2 wonderful weeks in Scotland and I hope I’ll be able to finally edit […]
Papaya Quinoa Curry
Hi guys! Sun kisses from Fuerteventura! While you’re reading this, I’m probably laying at the pool doing nothing. Or I’m on a road trip across the island. No matter what, I’m enjoying myself immensely on a newly to explore place in this little world 🙂 Travelling is my dearest passion amongst cooking and photography and […]
Curry with Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas
Ever been in the following situation? You visit a party with a slightly large number of people and while one goes to the washroom, another quickly goes to the coat check while another one meets an acquaintance or leaves for a smoke. And before you know it you spend the rest of the night trying […]
Vegan Scrambled Tofu
Holy shit, is this going to be a lecturing, accusatory post by a vegan maniac who wants to confront all the evil, despicable carnivores with their ugly and nefarious eating habits? Of course not!! Or is it? No, please stay! Just kidding. In this post I just want to show you a pretty neat breakfast idea which […]