Vegan Scrambled Tofu

Scrambled tofu is the vegan version of the classic scrambled egg and doesn't have to hide. It's as delicious and super easy to make

Holy shit, is this going to be a lecturing, accusatory post by a vegan maniac who wants to confront all the evil, despicable carnivores with their ugly and nefarious eating habits?
Of course not!! Or is it?
No, please stay! Just kidding. In this post I just want to show you a pretty neat breakfast idea which is just by the way a nice and cruelty-free alternative to scrambled egg – scrambled tofu

Scrambled tofu is the vegan version of the classic scrambled egg and doesn't have to hide. It's as delicious and super easy to make

As you can read in the section “About me” my dad is allergic to eggs and dairy products, which is why I started my research for vegan recipes and alternatives for those products. Up to that point I definitely couldn’t imagine that there could be a substitute for egg that would actually TASTE like egg. Of course, for baking and stuff there are lots of alternatives for egg, such as bananas or apple sauce, but to really get that sulphury taste of an egg? No idea.
Until a good, vegan friend of mine told me about ‘Kala Namak‘ a black salt from India. This magic salt would add the egg taste to anything you would drizzle it upon. It is amazingly combinable with avocado, as the avocado has quite a similar texture as a boiled egg. It is perfect when mashed on a toast with some Kala Namak and smoked salmon. Or in a potato salad.

But you can also combine Kala Namak with tofu to make scrambled tofu. As tofu itself doesn’t really hold a taste you can modify it to anything you feel like.

One of the advantages of scrambled tofu is that tofu doesn’t expire that fast; you can keep it in your fridge for a while and use it when it’s needed. When I buy eggs (which I haven’t done in a year I think) I always try to use them up quickly.

Scrambled tofu is the vegan version of the classic scrambled egg and doesn't have to hide. It's as delicious and super easy to make

For scrambled tofu you will only need 3 ingredients

  • fresh Tofu
  • Kala Namak (available on the internet or in wholefood shops or even at a bigger supermarket)
  • Curcuma

Curcuma which is an incredibly healthy spice can be bought rather cheap at Asian supermarkets (you see, I won’t let this topic fall that quickly 😀 ) and will colourise your fake scrambled egg in a beautiful yellow colour 🙂 The rest is up to your imagination. You can add anything you would add to an ordinary scrambled egg: tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, chives or scallions.

I personally love my scrambled tofu on a Sunday morning around 11-12am with tomatoes, scallions and a slice of bread. How do you eat your scrambled tofu? Tell me ^.^

Scrambled Tofu
Portionen / Serves: 1-2 hungry humans
Zutaten / Ingredients
  • 1 package tofu
  • Kala Namak
  • Curcuma
  • optional:
  • Tomatoes, onions, scallions, basil, peppers, mushrooms - just whatever you like to spice things up
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Use a fork or your hands to squish the tofu into smaller pieces, just so it resembles scrambled egg
  2. Season it carefully with the Kala Namak and some Curcuma (you can always add more when it's in the pan)
  3. Heat up an oil of your choice ( I prefer coconut oil) in a pan and add your tofu mixture.
  4. Fry it until hot.
  5. Yes, that's it. No magic, it is really that easy.

Tofurührei ist die vegane Variante des klassischen Rühreis und braucht sich definitiv nicht dahinter verstecken. Es ist einfach zu machen und superlecker

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