Gnocchi with cheesy Cashew Sauce

Vegane Cashew Sauce Rezept. Nur 5 Zutaten, vegan und in 15 Minuten fertig. Dazu gibt es Gnocchi, Knoblauch-Spinat und frische Shiitake Pilze. #vegetarisch #nudeln #nudelsauce #cashews #pasta

I have something new for you. If you only recreate one recipe from my site go for this one! I’m currently madly in love with cashew nuts, whether it be sweet, savoury, whole or further processed – its variety makes it hard for me not to use it. Today’s recipe is an incredibly creamy and […]

Savoury French Toast with cheese & mushrooms

Savoury French toast? Yes please! This hearty version doesn't have to hide in front of its sweet brother. We're going all savoury and umami with fried mushrooms, melted cheese and a hint of cashew butter. Perfect for a long and cozy Sunday breakfast. #breakfast #frenchtoast #vegetarian

My first home made French toast ever was a savoury one. Say whaaat!? As much as I love desserts and sweet stuff, savoury food always comes first (my recipe archive is witness to this thesis). So if you’re looking for a sweet French toast recipe you’ll have to look somewhere else (for now). Today it’s […]

Sunchoke & mushroom risotto

Rezept für ein cremiges Risotto mit Champignons und Topinambur und gehackten Pekannüssen. Deftige, winterliche Hausmannskost. #wintergemüse #winter #foodstyling #foodphotography #rezepte

„Oh dear, we’ve spent our last vacation in topinambour. Beautiful, I can tell ya! The locals there are so rooted to the soil and absolutely grounded.“ This could have been one of the unknowing reactions from my fellow people, when I told them about the awesome risotto with topinambour I made. Well, I guess there […]

Chanterelle sandwiches with scrambled eggs

Ob zum Frühstück, Brunch oder Mittag – Diese Pfifferling Stullen mit Rührei getrockneten Tomaten und Cashewbutter bringen eure Geschmacksnerven ins Taumeln. Pfifferling Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz

What was that again? The best dishes are created out of desperation and improvisation. At least that’s the case for me. Those chanterelle & scrambled egg sandwiches wouldn’t exist had I done my groceries deliberately. 

Stuffed Seitan Roast in Puff Pastry

Well then, are you enjoying a tranquil, stress-free Christmas season? Me neither. Work, present preparations and many other duties collide with the Christmas anticipation. There’s only Christmas in my kitchen currently and that’s only because I have a blog to fill and feel like I have to.