Chanterelle sandwiches with scrambled eggs

What was that again? The best dishes are created out of desperation and improvisation. At least that’s the case for me. Those chanterelle & scrambled egg sandwiches wouldn’t exist had I done my groceries deliberately.
Mezze with Ela – Tomato-Hummus & Orange-Carpaccio {Food from Friends}

Mezze – a variety of little goodies are the perfect snack for hot summer days and basically everyone who’s struggling with decisions. Ela is of the same opinion which is why she prepared a handful of those little snacks for my series “Food from Friends”
Sesame Tofu with Nut Sauce & Spinach Salad

Actually the next post planned for this week is a marvellous goulash recipe from the last weekend that I spent in Berlin. It also includes sweet potato. But as I prepared a ridiculously delicious dinner for my boyfriend and me last night I had to share this with you first. Just so you have a basic […]
Brownie Cheesecake from Ramona, the photographing, travelling Diabetic

Today I want to present to you a person, with whom I’m somehow befriended. She is the proof that online friendships DO exist and that The Sims connects people. Ramona and I met indeed at an online forum for the PC Game The Sims. Yes, back in the day I was a little ‘mono-gamer’ (sims 2 […]
Okonomiyaki, Cats and Cosplay with Senta

Okonomiyaki This unpronounceable word was still foreign to me – until I made myself a home in Senta’s living-kitchen area where she cooked for us while I cuddled with her cats. I would find out soon enough that ‘okonomiyaki’ would become an inherent part of my vocabulary. (Cat photos can be found at the end […]
3-ingredient Raspberry Coconut Dessert

Well, sometimes you just have a flow. Today I originally planned a little test for a coconut dessert. An idea, that has been in my head for a while. A minimalistic coconut dessert with little ingredients and almost no timely effort at all. Something quick for cosy evenings when you have a sweet tooth. This […]
Cauliflower Rice with Almond Butter

The last Christmas Cookies are eaten up, the Banana Bread was run off long ago – so there’s nothing in the way of light and delicious recipes. For this purpose I’m continuing with my Project ‘From my Fridge’ – finally. I love to cook spontaneously with whatever is left in my fridge and therewith I’d […]
Ramen & Onigiri with June

In June I visited June from Food is Taking over in Berlin. June became a very dear friend of mine in the past years. Even though we know each other since school days, our friendship didn’t start to grow until I moved to Dortmund and she started studying in Berlin.
Scrambled Tofu with Mushrooms

Hi my lovely people! Long time no read. I could say that I’m sorry and that my bad conscience is killing me for not posting for so long. But in fact this little time out was pretty much needed. I spent 2 wonderful weeks in Scotland and I hope I’ll be able to finally edit […]
Sesame fish sticks and Matcha Cupcakes

Food from Friends enters the second round. This time I visited Mimi and Rose from Mimirosefoodlove. Food from Friends is a project dedicated to the joy of cooking and savoring in company. From time to time I get to visit people I appreciate or strangers I want to get to know and together we prepare their […]
Veggies & crunchy Tofu with Mustard Sauce

Well then, do you have some tofu left even after after my latest two recipes, Tofu Gnocchi Bowl and Crunchy Tofu? Here’s some good news for you. There’s more to come as I ADORE tofu and its variety. How about some ‘germanised’ tofu with lovely fried vegetables in a mustard sauce? And don’t forget the potato […]
Tofu Gnocchi Bowl with Spinach Salad

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy a lazy Sunday with little duties and good food. There’s 3 mini cheesecakes in my fridge about which I’m pretty excited. But before it gets sweet I’ve got something equally exciting and delicious for you. For a while now I’ve been thinking about how I can show you a more […]