Yellow coconut curry with pineapple

Rezept für veganes Kokos-Curry mit Cashews und Ananas. #golden #curry #gelbes #vegetarisch #vegan #indisch #thai #curry rezept

After all that feasting in the last weeks – pb cups, chocolate cake, French toast – I felt like having some extra portion of vegetables for a change. This yellow coconut curry is stuffed with lots different and colourful veggies. Carrots, celery, leeks, peppers and broccoli. I’ve also added some juicy pineapple for that extra […]

Ideas & Recipes for Mexican Party Food

Zutaten, Rezepte und Inspiration für einen Mexikanischen Abend. Let's get the Taco-Tortilla-Party started!

Wohoo, after almost two years, when I showed you How to host a Sushi Party, I’m finally throwing in some new food party inspiration for all of you who love to cook and eat in company. This time I’ve got you covered with recipes and inspiration for a successful Mexican Food Party with tacos, tortillas, […]

Hot wild berry punch

Winterlicher Waldbeeren Punsch mit Brombeeren, Himbeeren und Johannisbeeren. Zur Weihnachtszeit und Winterzeit wird der Saft warm gemacht und heißt Winterpunsch oder Weihnachtspunsch oder auch Glühwein. Wir machen eine wahlweise alkoholfreie oder alkoholische fruchtige Version mit Waldbeeren, Zimt und Sternanis. #foodphotography #weihnachten #christmas #recipes #winter #rezepte

It’s that time of the year again – it’s Christmas time. The time of heating your ovens and cutting out cookies. The time of sweating over what presents to give to each and every relative. The time of cramping into the subway and fighting your way through the stuffed city centers and buying overpriced wood […]

4 indoor beefer BBQ recipes

Pfirsich Ziegenkäse Baguette mit Sesampaste aus dem Indoor Steakreaktor Beefer Oberhitzegrill von Klarstein.

[ad for Klarstein] The past few months have by far been the busiest and most eventful time of my admittedly still rather young blogger and photography career. So many things happened almost simultaneously. I accepted a job offer as a food photographer in Hamburg and moved there at short notice. Around the same time I got […]

Chanterelle sandwiches with scrambled eggs

Ob zum Frühstück, Brunch oder Mittag – Diese Pfifferling Stullen mit Rührei getrockneten Tomaten und Cashewbutter bringen eure Geschmacksnerven ins Taumeln. Pfifferling Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz

What was that again? The best dishes are created out of desperation and improvisation. At least that’s the case for me. Those chanterelle & scrambled egg sandwiches wouldn’t exist had I done my groceries deliberately. 

Curry Gnocchi Salad with nectarines

Schneller, satt machender Curry Gnocchi Salat mit Nektarinen, Feta, gerösteten Pekannüssen & Avocado. Der perfekte Sommersalat, fürs Picknick im Park oder für den Grillabend bei Freunden. Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz.

Let’s keep our salad game up for a while as it is strong this summer. Next project: Salad Deluxe. With carbs carbs carbs. It’s getting a little hot in the kitchen as we’re turning on our stove as well. But for this curry gnocchi salad with nectarines, feta cheese, roasted pecan nuts and creamy avocado, […]

My take on Indian Mango Lassi

Das perfekte Sommer-Rezept oder der Begleiter zu scharfem Essen - der Mango Lassi, der indische Joghurt Drink ist im Nu gemacht (auch vegan)

This spring I went fishing with my friend Fabi. As we weren’t exactly successful the romantic splashing-water-and-fidgeting-fish-summer-documentary has to be postponed ;). Instead we caught some frozen mango in the supermarket and made a delicious, Indian speciality for those hot summer days – a mango lassi.

Sesame Tofu with Nut Sauce & Spinach Salad

Spinatsalat mit Sesam-Tofu und einer süß-salzigen Nuss-Sauce aus allerlei Nüssen. Ein Küchen-Quickie von Purple Avocado

Actually the next post planned for this week is a marvellous goulash recipe from the last weekend that I spent in Berlin. It also includes sweet potato. But as I prepared a ridiculously delicious dinner for my boyfriend and me last night I had to share this with you first. Just so you have a basic […]

Carrot-Orange-Soup with Coconut

This vegan carrot orange soup is so easy to make, doesn't take too long and is a welcoming fruity yet warming alternative to usually hearty winter soups. We added some smoked tofu for that contrasting touch of heartiness and we love it!

Today we’re talking soup. It’s all about a simple yet juiy carrot orange soup to be precise. Actually I’ve never been such a huge fan of soups. In restaurants I would have never ordered a soup as a starter ( I’m more of a salad person). If at all I might get some soup at […]

15 Minute Chickpea Salad

Here's a super quick and easy recipe for a filling chickpea salad with curry and mustard dressing. Recipe on Purple Avocado.

Hi everyone! Today I want to share one of my favourite quick salad recipes with you. A recipe that will get you sated and happy and which is a proper meal if you want to. Since I reduced my meat intake I know that I have to get my fair share of proteins somewhere else. […]

Ramen & Onigiri with June

Basic recipe for ramen and onigirazu

In June I visited June from Food is Taking over in Berlin. June became a very dear friend of mine in the past years. Even though we know each other since school days, our friendship didn’t start to grow until I moved to Dortmund and she started studying in Berlin.