Sesame fish sticks and Matcha Cupcakes

Food from Friends enters the second round. This time I visited Mimi and Rose from Mimirosefoodlove. Food from Friends is a project dedicated to the joy of cooking and savoring in company. From time to time I get to visit people I appreciate or strangers I want to get to know and together we prepare their […]
Veggies & crunchy Tofu with Mustard Sauce

Well then, do you have some tofu left even after after my latest two recipes, Tofu Gnocchi Bowl and Crunchy Tofu? Here’s some good news for you. There’s more to come as I ADORE tofu and its variety. How about some ‘germanised’ tofu with lovely fried vegetables in a mustard sauce? And don’t forget the potato […]
Tofu Gnocchi Bowl with Spinach Salad

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy a lazy Sunday with little duties and good food. There’s 3 mini cheesecakes in my fridge about which I’m pretty excited. But before it gets sweet I’ve got something equally exciting and delicious for you. For a while now I’ve been thinking about how I can show you a more […]
Easy grilled peppers

I had a realisation. Today was food revolution day and I was watching all those amazing chefs around the world creating healthy and fun recipes.They were so simple yet delicious and I realised that lately I’m concentrating too much on how I can make the most creative and awesome recipes in order to be able to […]
Papaya Quinoa Curry

Hi guys! Sun kisses from Fuerteventura! While you’re reading this, I’m probably laying at the pool doing nothing. Or I’m on a road trip across the island. No matter what, I’m enjoying myself immensely on a newly to explore place in this little world 🙂 Travelling is my dearest passion amongst cooking and photography and […]