Zoodles with Tahini & Soy Sauce

Comfort food recipe: Zoodles – Zucchini Noodles – with Tahini & Soy Sauce

Happy New Year everybody!

I hope you all had a great start into the new year and enjoyed the night either relaxing at home or partying like there’s no tomorrow. I personally am not a big fan of New Years Eve, which is why I decided not to spend money that evening but to earn it by working at the NYE Party at my workplace in Hanover. To me, NYE is just a day like any other. Admittedly with more decoration, drunk people and fireworks. I had a great night though, with cheerful colleagues, drunk & friendly guests and champagne at midnight.

Comfort food recipe: Zoodles – Zucchini Noodles – with Tahini & Soy Sauce

The only thing I miss when I’m working and staying at my families place is cooking my own food. This blog gives a good impression about my special perferences when it comes to food. Vegan, kind of fancy and not so well known.  So, if I had the chance to make my own lunch at work it would recently definitely be Zoodles with a soy-tahini sauce smoked tofu and tomatoes! It is the perfect comfort food for a cold winter day which gives you energy for the whole day. I recently bought a kind of vegetable ‘sharpener’ to make beautiful long zoodles. If you don’t have such fancy gear you can simply use a grater.

Comfort food recipe: Zoodles – Zucchini Noodles – with Tahini & Soy Sauce

Talking about January it always comes to New Year’s resolutions. I usually don’t have any. I am more of a person who enthusiastically makes plans and resolutions throughout the whole year. Those resolutions are more of a short-term nature: Hey! I should start book binding! *feels bored after 3 books*, I want to go to the gym and get super ripped *doesn’t like doing sports indoors*, I will do more portrait photo shoots! *hates people in general*… and so on.

Comfort food recipe: Zoodles – Zucchini Noodles – with Tahini & Soy Sauce

But there’s three things in my life, that I enjoy with every fibre of my body and soul. Travelling, eating, photographing. And that’s exactly what 2016 will be dedicated to.

I have two very promising vacations in April and July in sight, I get excited just thinking about it. I have great ideas for new recipes to fill this blog with life and  for my studies I have some great project concepts from which you will hopefully benefit as well sooner or later.

Zoodles with Tahini & Soy Sauce
Portionen / Serves: 1-2 servings
Zutaten / Ingredients
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 package smoked tofu
  • some cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp Tahini
  • some soy sauce
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • salt, pepper, cumin
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Dice the smoked tofu and the garlic cloves
  2. Use a vegetable sharpener or a grater to chop the zucchini into noodles
  3. Mix the tahini, soy sauce and some water and stir it until the tahini is completely solved
  4. Heat oil in a pan and shortly fry the tomatoes and add the tahini-soy sauce mixture. Heat it up and put it to the side afterwards
  5. Fry the garlic, smoked tofu and add the zoodles at last.
  6. Pour thee sauce on top, serve on a plate and enjoy


Make 2016 your best year! Enjoy, create, give love and be your best self!

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