Feta Watermelon Basil Salad

Melonensalat mit Feta, Basilikum, Rucola, Pinienkernen und Balsamico

Guuuuys – this spring is giving us a little pretaste of summer (and many a day makes me want to just relax and do nothing). When the temperatures are rising and the air becomes so humid that you even start sweating when not moving at all my stomach stops to work properly. It can’t process […]

Fried sweet potato, smoked tofu & spinach

On Purple Avocado it's all about homemade, vegan ketchup this time. A 3 ingredient ketchup. To this we're adding fried sweet potato with spinach, garlic and smoked tofu. This is a salty, fruity and creamy dish garnished with tomato and avocado. Foodstyling, highkey, Sabrina Dietz

Today you get a recipe I didn’t think would end up on this blog. Surely this is not because it’s not good or hard to make. Not in the slightest. No, this is one of my favourite dishes, especially when I need some variety on my plate. The combination of fresh tomato, creamy avocado, fried […]

Carrot-Orange-Soup with Coconut

This vegan carrot orange soup is so easy to make, doesn't take too long and is a welcoming fruity yet warming alternative to usually hearty winter soups. We added some smoked tofu for that contrasting touch of heartiness and we love it!

Today we’re talking soup. It’s all about a simple yet juiy carrot orange soup to be precise. Actually I’ve never been such a huge fan of soups. In restaurants I would have never ordered a soup as a starter ( I’m more of a salad person). If at all I might get some soup at […]

15 Minute Chickpea Salad

Here's a super quick and easy recipe for a filling chickpea salad with curry and mustard dressing. Recipe on Purple Avocado.

Hi everyone! Today I want to share one of my favourite quick salad recipes with you. A recipe that will get you sated and happy and which is a proper meal if you want to. Since I reduced my meat intake I know that I have to get my fair share of proteins somewhere else. […]

Veggies & crunchy Tofu with Mustard Sauce

Fried vegetables and crunchy tofu with mustard sauce. The project "From my Fridge" is an attempt towards a more sustainable lifestyle that aims at the reduction of food waste, more creativity when dealing with leftover food and a raised awareness for the usage of our resources. It shall serve you as a source of inspiration and motivation to love your leftovers and create amazing dishes with them. Find more recipes on Purple Avocado.

Well then, do you have some tofu left even after after my latest two recipes, Tofu Gnocchi Bowl and Crunchy Tofu? Here’s some good news for you. There’s more to come as I ADORE tofu and its variety. How about some ‘germanised’ tofu with lovely fried vegetables in a mustard sauce? And don’t forget the potato […]

Easy grilled peppers

Jamies Food revolution inspired me to create a healthy recipe just from stuff I had at home. It turned out as a pepper pan mix with mango and soya granules.

I had a realisation. Today was food revolution day and I was watching all those amazing chefs around the world creating healthy and fun recipes.They were so simple yet delicious and I realised that lately I’m concentrating too much on how I can make the most creative and awesome recipes in order to be able to […]

Vegan Scrambled Tofu

Tofurührei ist die vegane Variante des klassischen Rühreis und braucht sich definitiv nicht dahinter verstecken. Es ist einfach zu machen und superlecker

Holy shit, is this going to be a lecturing, accusatory post by a vegan maniac who wants to confront all the evil, despicable carnivores with their ugly and nefarious eating habits? Of course not!! Or is it? No, please stay! Just kidding. In this post I just want to show you a pretty neat breakfast idea which […]