Vegan Pesto with walnut and parsley

Veganes Walnuss Pesto Rezept plus schnelles, vegetarisches Sandwich mit Tomate, Zucchini und Cashewmus #brot #vegan

Okay guys. I’ve got something meatless for you once more, which will make you satisfied and happy without end. Today we’re talking pesto – vegan pesto with walnuts and parsley to be precise, surrounded by a crisp sandwich. This is the low budget version of the classic pesto with pine seeds and Parmesan. According to […]

Easy microwave oatmeal with cashews and cinnamon

Rezept für ein ganz schnelles und veganes Porridge aus der Mikrowelle mit cremigem Cashewmus und Zimt. Comfort Food zum Frühstück vom Feinsten. #frühstücksrezepte #süßes #frühstück #brunch #breakfast #bowl

Today I have a quick and easy microwave oatmeal for you. Sweet and rich and creamy with cashew butter and a lot of cinnamon. The best thing about it? Within 5 minutes you have a steaming bowl in front of you, so this recipe is perfect for hectic and stressful mornings. Nothing is more annoying […]

Savoury French Toast with cheese & mushrooms

Savoury French toast? Yes please! This hearty version doesn't have to hide in front of its sweet brother. We're going all savoury and umami with fried mushrooms, melted cheese and a hint of cashew butter. Perfect for a long and cozy Sunday breakfast. #breakfast #frenchtoast #vegetarian

My first home made French toast ever was a savoury one. Say whaaat!? As much as I love desserts and sweet stuff, savoury food always comes first (my recipe archive is witness to this thesis). So if you’re looking for a sweet French toast recipe you’ll have to look somewhere else (for now). Today it’s […]

Chanterelle sandwiches with scrambled eggs

Ob zum Frühstück, Brunch oder Mittag – Diese Pfifferling Stullen mit Rührei getrockneten Tomaten und Cashewbutter bringen eure Geschmacksnerven ins Taumeln. Pfifferling Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz

What was that again? The best dishes are created out of desperation and improvisation. At least that’s the case for me. Those chanterelle & scrambled egg sandwiches wouldn’t exist had I done my groceries deliberately. 

Carrot-Lemon-Cake with Cashew-Icing

Hier ist ein Rezept für einen saftigen, luftigen Karotten-Zitronen-Kuchen mit Cashewbutter-Icing. Dieser lockere Karottenkuchen ist problemlos für einige Tage im Kühlschrank haltbar. Das nussige, leicht bittere Cashewbutter-Icing gibt dem Kuchen das spezielle Etwas und der frische Zitronensaft sowie die Zitronenschale verleihen ihm eine saure, fruchtige Note.

When it comes to cake recipes I usually have high expectations. I prefer to bake recipes after recommendations, knowing that it has already been thoroughly tested and chances are high that it’ll turn out soft and juicy. My perfect cake will not crumble to pieces and can only be “enjoyed” with a bottle of water […]

3 Quick & Healthy Wrap Ideas

Those 3 quick & healthy Wrap Ideas will save the day, when you are tired and stressed out. Mango and Avocado with Cashew Butter, Salmon with Red Peppers and Fresh Cheese and Tomatos and Pear with Maple Syrup. See them all on Purple Avocado.

A food photographers life ain’t easy You all know that feeling. You had a long, exhausting day and now you’re looking forward to sinking into the couch, eating a proper dinner. Usually the couch is totally ready for y0u, while the food  is still laying in your fridge – unprepared of course. This is what […]


Recipe for Cashew Butter Coconut Milk Pancakes with a Curd Coconut Topping garnished with Cashew Seeds and Pomegranate

Remember that post about Cashew Butter? Here’s a recipe that’ll change your life. You will see everything in a whole new light after eating those straight from heaven cashew coconut pancakes with pomegranate. Your worries will fade away, problems will solve all alone and your level of attractiveness  will increase exponentially.