Mulled white wine with Sinalco Orange

Ein Glas mit mit weißem Glühwein, dekoriert mit einer Zimtstange

(Paid advert for Sinalco) – Do you still remember my Christmas market rant from last year? Let’s be honest, my Grinch image is quite established by now. This year I have neither baked cookies, did Christmas present shopping nor am I all too sad that we didn’t have much snow yet (as a driver I’m probably not […]

Easy microwave oatmeal with cashews and cinnamon

Rezept für ein ganz schnelles und veganes Porridge aus der Mikrowelle mit cremigem Cashewmus und Zimt. Comfort Food zum Frühstück vom Feinsten. #frühstücksrezepte #süßes #frühstück #brunch #breakfast #bowl

Today I have a quick and easy microwave oatmeal for you. Sweet and rich and creamy with cashew butter and a lot of cinnamon. The best thing about it? Within 5 minutes you have a steaming bowl in front of you, so this recipe is perfect for hectic and stressful mornings. Nothing is more annoying […]

Baked apple oatmeal with cinnamon

Rezept für wärmendes Bratapfel Porridge mit viel Zimt und Honig. Ein Winterfrühstück für die knackig kalten Tage. #rezept #winter #haferbrei #oatmeal #foodstyling #foodphotograhpy

This winter I developed my all time favourite breakfast of the year. Since November or so we’ve basically had nothing but this warming, cinnamon-y baked apple oatmeal. It’s not only incredibly comforting and delicous but it’ll also keep you full for hours and is done within 10 minutes. Basically the length of making coffee in […]

Hot wild berry punch

Winterlicher Waldbeeren Punsch mit Brombeeren, Himbeeren und Johannisbeeren. Zur Weihnachtszeit und Winterzeit wird der Saft warm gemacht und heißt Winterpunsch oder Weihnachtspunsch oder auch Glühwein. Wir machen eine wahlweise alkoholfreie oder alkoholische fruchtige Version mit Waldbeeren, Zimt und Sternanis. #foodphotography #weihnachten #christmas #recipes #winter #rezepte

It’s that time of the year again – it’s Christmas time. The time of heating your ovens and cutting out cookies. The time of sweating over what presents to give to each and every relative. The time of cramping into the subway and fighting your way through the stuffed city centers and buying overpriced wood […]

Sweet Sushi with Apple & Cinnamon

Rice Pudding Sushi with apple and vanilla sauce. Why not have sweet sushi instead of hearty one? This sweet sushi variation with coconut milk rice pudding, apples and lots of cinnamon can be enjoyed warm as well as cold. Foodstyling and recipe by Purple Avocado

Sweet Sushi High time for a new sushi recipe, eh? Today’s recipe is inspired by my grandma. Grandma always cooked rice pudding just for me and her. The rest of the family didn’t like this dish at all. When grandma cooked rice pudding, she took the biggest pot she could find in the kitchen and […]

Caramelized spiced nuts

The result of Spicebar's Nut Challenge is a nifty recipe für spiced and caramelized nuts with curry and cinnamon which a perfect as a gift. Well, given you don't eat them all by yourself. Recipe is on Purple Avocado.

The New Year is running already and we only have the eleventh of January! Last year was so eventful, this blog grew so much and I got to meet some really great people. Towards the end of 2016 Spicebar hosted a nut challenge to which, despite all the pre-Christmas stress I simply couldn’t say no. […]

Fanta Cake with mandarins & sour cream

Fanta Kuchen Rezept mit Mandarinen und Schmand. Ein schnelles und einfaches Rezept für eine Springform oder ein Blech. #geburtstagskuchen #fantakuchen #kuchen #backen

Some cakes accompany your whole life. Just like this fanta cake with mandarins and sour cream which couldn’t be missing at any childhood birthday party ever. Next to my all time favourite fanta cake my grandma also had to bake my second favourite cake called ‘Eat-till-you-go-nuts’ a very heavy cake with vanilla pudding, chocolate and […]