Yellow coconut curry with pineapple

Rezept für veganes Kokos-Curry mit Cashews und Ananas. #golden #curry #gelbes #vegetarisch #vegan #indisch #thai #curry rezept

After all that feasting in the last weeks – pb cups, chocolate cake, French toast – I felt like having some extra portion of vegetables for a change. This yellow coconut curry is stuffed with lots different and colourful veggies. Carrots, celery, leeks, peppers and broccoli. I’ve also added some juicy pineapple for that extra […]

4 indoor beefer BBQ recipes

Pfirsich Ziegenkäse Baguette mit Sesampaste aus dem Indoor Steakreaktor Beefer Oberhitzegrill von Klarstein.

[ad for Klarstein] The past few months have by far been the busiest and most eventful time of my admittedly still rather young blogger and photography career. So many things happened almost simultaneously. I accepted a job offer as a food photographer in Hamburg and moved there at short notice. Around the same time I got […]

Vegan coconut pumpkin soup

Vegane Kokos-Kürbis-Suppe mit Ahornsirup und Curry. Dazu gibt’s vegane Merguez von Wheaty für den salzigen Touch und etwas Biss. #rezept #foodstyling #herbst #rezepte #kürbis #hokkaido

This classic recipe needs to be in every well sorted recipe collection. And as everyone prepares it differently I’m throwing my coconut pumpkin soup into the game. This soup is all you need on wet and cold autumn days when there’s nothing else to do but binge watch the next 8 episodes of vikings 😉

Sweet Sushi with Apple & Cinnamon

Rice Pudding Sushi with apple and vanilla sauce. Why not have sweet sushi instead of hearty one? This sweet sushi variation with coconut milk rice pudding, apples and lots of cinnamon can be enjoyed warm as well as cold. Foodstyling and recipe by Purple Avocado

Sweet Sushi High time for a new sushi recipe, eh? Today’s recipe is inspired by my grandma. Grandma always cooked rice pudding just for me and her. The rest of the family didn’t like this dish at all. When grandma cooked rice pudding, she took the biggest pot she could find in the kitchen and […]

3-ingredient Raspberry Coconut Dessert

Quick and easy 3 ingredient coconut dessert with fruity raspberry taste that only take 10 minutes. Foodstyling and Food Photography by Purple Avocado. Coconut dessert / Coconut Cream / Coconut Mousse

Well, sometimes you just have a flow. Today I originally planned a little test for a coconut dessert. An idea, that has been in my head for a while. A minimalistic coconut dessert with little ingredients and almost no timely effort at all. Something quick for cosy evenings when you have a sweet tooth. This […]

Carrot-Orange-Soup with Coconut

This vegan carrot orange soup is so easy to make, doesn't take too long and is a welcoming fruity yet warming alternative to usually hearty winter soups. We added some smoked tofu for that contrasting touch of heartiness and we love it!

Today we’re talking soup. It’s all about a simple yet juiy carrot orange soup to be precise. Actually I’ve never been such a huge fan of soups. In restaurants I would have never ordered a soup as a starter ( I’m more of a salad person). If at all I might get some soup at […]

Sesame fish sticks and Matcha Cupcakes

Together with Mimirosefoodlove I made delicious fish sticks in a sesame crust on a summery salad with spinach, asparagus, avocado and tomatoes with a soy rice dressing and matcha cupcakes with coconut cream and berries. Find the recipe for the salad on Purple Avocado and the cupcakes on Mimirosefoodlove.

Food from Friends enters the second round. This time I visited Mimi and Rose from Mimirosefoodlove. Food from Friends is a project dedicated to the joy of cooking and savoring in company. From time to time I get to visit people I appreciate or strangers I want to get to know and together we prepare their […]

Papaya Quinoa Curry

Ein unkompliziertes, fruchtiges Papaya Curry mit Kokosmilch und Quinoa. Rezept auf Purple Avocado.

Hi guys! Sun kisses from Fuerteventura! While you’re reading this, I’m probably laying at the pool doing nothing. Or I’m on a road trip across the island. No matter what, I’m enjoying myself immensely on a newly to explore place in this little world 🙂 Travelling is my dearest passion amongst cooking and photography and […]


Recipe for Cashew Butter Coconut Milk Pancakes with a Curd Coconut Topping garnished with Cashew Seeds and Pomegranate

Remember that post about Cashew Butter? Here’s a recipe that’ll change your life. You will see everything in a whole new light after eating those straight from heaven cashew coconut pancakes with pomegranate. Your worries will fade away, problems will solve all alone and your level of attractiveness  will increase exponentially.