Gnocchi with cheesy Cashew Sauce

I have something new for you. If you only recreate one recipe from my site go for this one! I’m currently madly in love with cashew nuts, whether it be sweet, savoury, whole or further processed – its variety makes it hard for me not to use it. Today’s recipe is an incredibly creamy and […]
Easy microwave oatmeal with cashews and cinnamon

Today I have a quick and easy microwave oatmeal for you. Sweet and rich and creamy with cashew butter and a lot of cinnamon. The best thing about it? Within 5 minutes you have a steaming bowl in front of you, so this recipe is perfect for hectic and stressful mornings. Nothing is more annoying […]
Ramen & Onigiri with June

In June I visited June from Food is Taking over in Berlin. June became a very dear friend of mine in the past years. Even though we know each other since school days, our friendship didn’t start to grow until I moved to Dortmund and she started studying in Berlin.
Scrambled Tofu with Mushrooms

Hi my lovely people! Long time no read. I could say that I’m sorry and that my bad conscience is killing me for not posting for so long. But in fact this little time out was pretty much needed. I spent 2 wonderful weeks in Scotland and I hope I’ll be able to finally edit […]
Tofu Gnocchi Bowl with Spinach Salad

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy a lazy Sunday with little duties and good food. There’s 3 mini cheesecakes in my fridge about which I’m pretty excited. But before it gets sweet I’ve got something equally exciting and delicious for you. For a while now I’ve been thinking about how I can show you a more […]
Easy grilled peppers

I had a realisation. Today was food revolution day and I was watching all those amazing chefs around the world creating healthy and fun recipes.They were so simple yet delicious and I realised that lately I’m concentrating too much on how I can make the most creative and awesome recipes in order to be able to […]
Vegan Quiche with green Asparagus

Hi everybody! Here’s my belated second Easter recipe for you (Easter 2017 for the win :D). And I’m not exaggerating when I tell you, this is da shit! Listen up: A vegan quiche with green asparagus, scallions, wild garlic and dried tomatoes. This was the first quiche I’ve ever prepared by myself and I succeeded […]
Vegan Chocolate Mousse with silken Tofu

Sometimes my mom is a genuine sweetheart. Since my dad has all those allergies against cow milk products and egg (to just mention the worst) she transformed into a vegan dessert-master. The internet is hereby her best friend when searching for the greatest recipe ideas and instructions for vegan alternatives. The most beautiful thing about […]
5 Minute Microwave Porridge

Do you like Porridge but hate the hassle of boiling milk in a pot and then maniacally stirring the oat milk mixture for an eternity? I feel you! When I try to get out of bed early in the morning that presents me with a challenge that I am not able to deal with yet.