Warm aubergine and courgette salad

Warmer Antipasti Auberginensalat mit Zucchini, Kartoffeln und Feta.

Summertime is barbecue time – and barbecue time for Grimm and me always means aubergine time too. This vegetable is one of our favourites to barbecue and as soon as the sun comes out we’re stoking up our BBQ it will surely have its place of honour on the grill or in form of a […]

Yellow coconut curry with pineapple

Rezept für veganes Kokos-Curry mit Cashews und Ananas. #golden #curry #gelbes #vegetarisch #vegan #indisch #thai #curry rezept

After all that feasting in the last weeks – pb cups, chocolate cake, French toast – I felt like having some extra portion of vegetables for a change. This yellow coconut curry is stuffed with lots different and colourful veggies. Carrots, celery, leeks, peppers and broccoli. I’ve also added some juicy pineapple for that extra […]

Pulled Salmon Bagel with Avocado

Rezept für rauchige, saftige Pulled Lachs Bagel mit Avocado. #snack #frühstück #bagel #carbs

Pulled Salmon is a term I took over from the Pulled Pork, that incredibly tender and soft pork roast which is drowned in BBQ sauce and can literally be pulled apart without any effort. This pulled meat is a perfect base for burgers, sandwiches and the like. Unfortunately I am one of those impatient brats […]

Cream of Broccoli Soup with Hummus

Brokkoli-Cremesuppe mit Hummus, Créme Fraîche und Ziegenkäse. Optional vegetarisch oder vegan. Mit Pinienkernen und Petersilie getoppt die perfekte Wintersuppe

In Winter I (re)discovered my love for soups. I have to admit that was never the biggest fan of soups. Not as a starter and certainly not as a full-featured main course – for me it was lacking the texture and bite… well, and I was lacking the appreciation for this amazing dish. But during […]

Sunchoke & mushroom risotto

Rezept für ein cremiges Risotto mit Champignons und Topinambur und gehackten Pekannüssen. Deftige, winterliche Hausmannskost. #wintergemüse #winter #foodstyling #foodphotography #rezepte

„Oh dear, we’ve spent our last vacation in topinambour. Beautiful, I can tell ya! The locals there are so rooted to the soil and absolutely grounded.“ This could have been one of the unknowing reactions from my fellow people, when I told them about the awesome risotto with topinambour I made. Well, I guess there […]

Ideas & Recipes for Mexican Party Food

Zutaten, Rezepte und Inspiration für einen Mexikanischen Abend. Let's get the Taco-Tortilla-Party started!

Wohoo, after almost two years, when I showed you How to host a Sushi Party, I’m finally throwing in some new food party inspiration for all of you who love to cook and eat in company. This time I’ve got you covered with recipes and inspiration for a successful Mexican Food Party with tacos, tortillas, […]

Stuffed pumpkin with almond butter sauce

Gefüllter Kürbis mit Grünkohl, Pekannüssen, getrockneten Tomaten und einer Mandelmus Sauce. #vegan #rezept #weihnachten #feiertage #herbst #winter #grünkohl #foodstyling #food #photography

Well, sometimes your private life just kicks in at the busiest time of the year, and just doesn’t give a shit that you planned to publish your Christmas dinner in the beginning of December. Instead I now have a last minute Christmas quickie for you shortly before Christmas Eve. 

4 indoor beefer BBQ recipes

Pfirsich Ziegenkäse Baguette mit Sesampaste aus dem Indoor Steakreaktor Beefer Oberhitzegrill von Klarstein.

[ad for Klarstein] The past few months have by far been the busiest and most eventful time of my admittedly still rather young blogger and photography career. So many things happened almost simultaneously. I accepted a job offer as a food photographer in Hamburg and moved there at short notice. Around the same time I got […]

Quick Avocado Wraps

Wenn's mal schnell gehen muss, für Picknicks, unterwegs oder als Fingerfood für den nächsten Serien-Abend: Schnelle Avocado Wraps in zwei Variationen - mit Guacamole und Cashewbutter. Ganz unkompliziert und köstlich. Rezept und Foodfotografie von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz

This recipe was actually intended to go online before all my hustling. Two different avocado wraps – with guacamole and with cashew butter are in fact the perfect snack for to go and those times when you don’t have time at all. That’s how I developed them – between a university presentation and a spontaneous […]

Curry Gnocchi Salad with nectarines

Schneller, satt machender Curry Gnocchi Salat mit Nektarinen, Feta, gerösteten Pekannüssen & Avocado. Der perfekte Sommersalat, fürs Picknick im Park oder für den Grillabend bei Freunden. Rezept und Foodstyling von Purple Avocado / Sabrina Dietz.

Let’s keep our salad game up for a while as it is strong this summer. Next project: Salad Deluxe. With carbs carbs carbs. It’s getting a little hot in the kitchen as we’re turning on our stove as well. But for this curry gnocchi salad with nectarines, feta cheese, roasted pecan nuts and creamy avocado, […]

Pumpkin Sweet Potato Mash

A hearty wild game goulash with pumpkin sweet potato mash and roasted mushrooms and glazed onions in red wine sauce. That's what we served at the food'n'spice blogger meet-up in Berlin.

At the Spicebar Blogger Meet-up us Bloggers cooked in three teams and created mouth watering meals. I can tell you it was dope as fuck. Team Nord Nord Pott and Hauptstadtgriller Stefan built a team and formed a perfect combination of several skills which is why we created a complex and diverse dish that combined […]

Stuffed Seitan Roast in Puff Pastry

Well then, are you enjoying a tranquil, stress-free Christmas season? Me neither. Work, present preparations and many other duties collide with the Christmas anticipation. There’s only Christmas in my kitchen currently and that’s only because I have a blog to fill and feel like I have to.