Warm aubergine and courgette salad

Warm aubergine and courgette salad // Warm egg plants and zucchini potato salad.

Summertime is barbecue time – and barbecue time for Grimm and me always means aubergine time too. This vegetable is one of our favourites to barbecue and as soon as the sun comes out we’re stoking up our BBQ it will surely have its place of honour on the grill or in form of a delicious side like this ingenious warm aubergine and courgette salad.

Dutch aubergines / Dutch egg plants in different sizes, shapes and colours

This post contains advertising for Dutch aubergines – www.aubergine.nl/de.

When I got an enquiry about testing a box of Dutch aubergines and developing a recipe with those I didn’t have to think twice – we’re eating aubergines almost on a daily basis – especially during summer.

Warm aubergine and courgette salad // Warm egg plants and zucchini potato salad.

So last weeks I got this big box from the Netherlands full of diverse, beautiful aubergines all different in size and colour. Aren’t they beautiful? From the supermarkets here in Germany I am used to the pretty, but also pretty basic black aubergine. If I’m lucky I find a purple one from time to time. This is why I was more than happy about this great variety.

A recipe was quickly developed – well, was already developed, I just had to style, photograph it and put it into words.

Dutch aubergines / Dutch egg plants in different sizes, shapes and colours

Do you like warm salads? Antipasti? Potato salad? Well then this warm aubergine and courgette salad with crispy potato is just for you. You can keep it as simple as you like or go completely overboard with herbs, vegetables and other extras such as nuts or feta cheese.

Antipasti aubergine and courgette salad – three ways

Overall I’m supplying you with three different ways or preparing this salad further down in the recipe. If you want to safe dishes go for the oven only version. In case you want more control over the firmness of your veggies and the crispness of the potatoes try it with a pan and the oven (my preferred way). Lastly you can just take all your ingredients outdoor and prepare it directly on your barbecue. Just make sure to pre-boil the potatoes and you’re good to go.

Warm aubergine and courgette salad // Warm egg plants and zucchini potato salad.

Warm aubergine and courgette salad
This salad can be enjoyed warm and cold and can be prepared in the kitchen or on a barbecue.
Typ: Salad, Side
Cuisine: vegan, vegetarian
Portionen / Serves: The measurements will be enough for a big bowl of salad – the perfect size to bring along to a BBQ party. I ate from this portion for 2 days (as a main).
Zutaten / Ingredients
  • 500g or 3-4 medium-sized potatoes
  • 1 aubergine
  • 1 small courgette
  • about 15 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • some salt, pepper and olive oil
fresh herbs to taste
  • rosemary
  • tarragon
  • thyme
  • feta cheese
  • walnuts or pine nuts
  • fresh arugula
Zubereitung / Instructions
  1. Dice the potatoes and rinse them in a bowl with cold water and let them sit in fresh water for about 20 – 30 minutes to wash out the excess starch.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C / 400°F. Spread the potato dices on a baking tray, drizzle some salt and oil on top and mix it roughly together. Let it bake for about 20 Minutes, stirring everything up after 10 minutes.
  3. Wash and dry the other veggies in the meantime.
  4. Halve the aubergine and dice it into bite-size pieces. Fill a bowl with lukewarm salt water and let the aubergine sit in it until further processing. This removes the bitter substances.
  5. Halve the tomatoes. Cut the onion in rings or rough stripes. Peel and mince the garlic or press it through a garlic press. Dice the courgette.
  6. Once the potatoes had their first single ride in the oven add all the other ingredients to the baking tray. Add some more salt, pepper and oil and fresh herbs to taste.
  7. Bake everything for another 20 – 30 minutes until the potatoes are nice and soft.
  8. Remove the tray from the oven and transfer the hot veggies to a salad bowl and let it cool down for 10 – 15 minutes.
  9. Add feta, nuts or arugula to taste and enjoy while still warm. You can store the aubergine feta salad in the fridge for a couple of days. It is great in taste even when cold, but you might also add some warm couscous or the like.
  1. If you like you can prepare the potato and other veggies separate from each other. While the potatoes are baking in the oven you can fry the vegetables in a pan at the same time. This way you have more control over the different cooking times. If needed you can leave the potatoes in the oven a bit longer for that extra bit of crispness without risking the other vegetables to get too soft or even burn.
  1. If you'd like to prepare the salad on the grill I'd suggest you cook the potatoes in advance to reduce the cooking time.
  2. Add all the ingredients to a fireproof bowl and roast the vegetables ideally on indirect heat until done.
  1. The longer you leave the diced potato in the cold water the crispier the end result will be. If you have the time you can prepare the potatoes in the morning and continue preparing the salad in the evening.
  2. The result will get even crispier if you toss the potato dices in starch or a starch-flour-mix before baking.


Warm aubergine and courgette salad // Warm egg plants and zucchini potato salad. Get the recipe at purpleavocado.de // #foodstyling #foodphotography #summersalad #summerrecipe #summer #recipes #vegan #vegetarian

Warm aubergine and courgette salad // Warm egg plants and zucchini potato salad. Get the recipe at purpleavocado.de // #foodstyling #foodphotography #summersalad #summerrecipe #summer #recipes #vegan #vegetarian

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